Paul’s Journal and Samples

3 min readJun 5, 2023

Sample 1

The smell of blood enveloped his four sides. The fact that the people whose birth was so happy were so helpless and turned into just insignificant statistics caused him to pause for a while. He hadn’t had many throwing knives, and his arrows were about to run out. It was unreasonable for him to treat his sword, it was impossible to defeat these beings with weapons that he could not understand with a sword. These long black metallic things are arrow-like weapons by his estimation but shoot faster and more powerful arrows. Besides, what they throw doesn’t look like an arrow at all, it looks like a small yellow stone. Where did these beings come from? They do not speak; they don’t look like us; they don’t look like us at all. Who are they?! he thought. This species with large cusses, three eyes, four arms, three legs, no mouth; seemed to be the greatest threat to the human race so far.


I don’t like Sample 1, maybe later I can continue Sample 1, but I know I don’t like it. I don’t know, maybe I am not going to be a successful writer, but I want to write my first book. My name is Paul. These words are my thoughts and emotions. I hope these thoughts can help me to write my book. I love sci-fi and fantasy books. Of course, I don’t want to expect to become George R.R. Martin, Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, and Andrzej Sapkowski or others. I try to read a lot. I don’t understand how the big authors found out their genius ideas. In my opinion, writing looks easy to people. They think everybody can write; I disagree with that. Not everybody can write, writing is an art like sculpture, or painting, or singing. Almost nobody can do Picasso, or Michelangelo did.

On the other hand, some so-called writers are disrespectful of this art. They think they can write stories with an AI, and they can sell them on Amazon, etc. AI is helpful for our life, but people started to think writing is an easy job or not important. They are so wrong.


Sample 1

Everybody died. I am going to die right now; I know I will. “Who are you? What are you? Why are you doing to us?!” “We created you! We are your gods! You failed us! You are no longer needed “We needed you because of your, your energy! But, you couldn’t give us enough sources. We had to find out another way.” the voice was echoed in his head.

“What kind of gods are you? We did believe gods, but we didn’t imagine you like that. We thought gods were going to guide us, not destroy us. You are everything maybe, but gods! Gods are supposed to be better than the race their created, you are worst than us,” he said.

“We are just pragmatist creatures like you. We have our own god, El-Halhah de Hyesyus. El-Halah de Hesus is the god for the gods. Also, you can not judge us human! You did use every sources, animals, plants, everything for your own good! You destroyed the planet we created for you. We shouldn’t have waited you find out more investment and technology. If you would find nuclear power you could even destroy planet, what next galaxy?! No human no!!! We could have not allowed that. The galaxy, the universe are important for us, for the energy. You were created just for source for us, not at all. Funny, you were thinking everything in the world were created for you, for serve you,” one of the human’s god said.


